New Beginnings Wednesday (April 7)

New Beginnings is a weekly event hosted by MizB at Should be Reading. It’s all about your New Years’ Resolutions! Everybody knows that these are really hard to stick to, so why not encourage each other in our efforts? Why not enlist the support of our online friends?

So, here it is…

  • First — post your list of New Years’ Resolutions in a post at your blog.
  • Second — every week, on Wednesday, write a new post about how you’re doing with each of your goals … you’ll have to list them, again, each week, as people won’t remember what you’re working towards, otherwise. Be brief in your updates, as there may be several blogs to visit!
  • Third — after you’ve written your update, visit Should Be Reading, and share your link so that we –the other New Beginnings participants– can stop by your blog and encourage you!

Important! … It would be absolutely great if you could visit at least ONE other participant’s blog  on Wednesdays and leave a comment on their post to share some encouragement for their efforts! Show your support! That’s what this event is all about — standing by each other to finally reach our goals!

  1. Write 1000 words or more per day. Won Script Frenzy in 5 days, so I’m taking a break before going on to work on my graphic novel. Still keeping up with my 1000 words a day, though.
  2. Read at least 100 books this year. I am slogging through the last of The Time of Singing, which is good because it’s due back tomorrow and I can’t renew it anymore. I need to finish The Woman Who Walked into Doors as well. I have lots of interesting books planned for this month, so I should really get stuck in.
  3. Dazzle my professors with my research essays. Taking a break for the Easter holiday – will be back to this next week.
  4. Brush up on my languages. Enrolled in French classes! Yay!
  5. Get a job.
  6. Learn to drive. I keep forgetting about this.
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